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Counselor opportunities are available for children ages 12-16.

It's not designed to feel stressful. It's relaxed and fun! 

Counselors gain valuable leadership skills while actively participating in every aspect of the program!

This is a great opportunity for creative, energetic, athletic, playful, and enthusiastic teens who want to develop leadership skills through direct hands-on experience.


*Click on Learn More below for a list of general and specific CIT responsibilities.


 Lead Counselors, ages 13-16.  Cost is $300 per week. 

 Junior Counselors, age 12.  Cost is $400 per week.

What I like about Sees the Day is that we are outside and there are lots of  organized activities.  I think my favorite part is the earthworks.  We also get free time and special guests who talk to us about what they do and they also teach us how to care for the earth and respect our surroundings.

Nicole Allen, Lead Counselor

I would never have found my passion for the environment without your steady mentorship and wonderful example. Thank you so much for everything you've done for me and the next generation of kind, mindful younglings. That's what has always drawn me back to Sees the Day year after year, and why I will continue to come back.  Your love for the environment, people, and your kindness is truly, as many people say, contagious.

Reilly Manton, Lead Counselor

Both of my daughters have attended and loved Sees the Day. I think what makes Sees the Day unique and special relative to other summer camps is its grounded and relaxed quality. It provides an opportunity for kids to be outside all day, but without the structured frenzy of other programs. My kids both enjoyed making fairy houses in the redwood glade, playing games, and learning from the interesting guest speakers. The program is also unique in that it ushers kids into young-counselor positions, starting at about age twelve. The wide age range of the group means that kids play with other kids who are younger and older, not just peers of exactly their own age. That's an unusual aspect of this program, and one that adds another layer of depth to everyone's experience.

Leslie Teicholz, Parent 

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